WMPA rules
1. The objectives of the Association shall be to advance internal medicine, by promoting training, continuing medical education, research, and good fellowship among physicians in the West Midlands area.
2. The Association shall have Ordinary and Honorary members.
3. The Association shall hold two or more general meetings annually.
4. An Executive Committee consisting of six ordinary members and two Specialty Trainee members shall be elected at the autumn general meeting, after nomination by the Executive Committee. The usual period of office shall be three years.
5. Ordinary membership shall be open to all consultants in general medicine or any of the medical specialties, and such other physicians as may be elected at a general meeting after nomination by the Executive Committee. 5A. Associate membership will be open to Consultant Trainees in the region for a reduced fee, with concessionary rates for registration to the meetings.
6. The Association shall have the power to elect Honorary Members nominated by the Executive Committee. Such members will not be required to pay the annual subscription.
7. The Association shall have the right to limit the number of members.
8. The Association shall have, in addition to the Executive Committee, a Past President, Sitting President, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
9. The President-elect shall be chosen annually at the autumn meeting and shall join the Executive Committee taking office as President for one year after the autumn meeting one year later.
10. The immediate past-President will remain a member of the Executive Committee for one year after relinquishing office.
11. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at a general meeting, and shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
12. The Chairperson of both the West Midlands General (Internal) Medicine Training Committee and the Acute Internal Medicine Training Committee shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
13. General meetings shall consist of scientific presentations, case reports, educational and guest lectures and such other activities as decided upon by the Executive Committee.
14. General meetings shall be open to specialist trainees (ST3 and above) in any of the medical disciplines. Specialist trainees in the West Midlands training schemes will be notified in advance of the meetings and will be eligible to participate fully in the scientific business of the Association. They will not have voting rights at the AGM. Associate members will not have voting rights either. Those wishing to attend meetings must return the application form by the date specified within the notification. Specialist trainees, who are not also Associate Members, will not be required to pay a membership fee, but will have to pay the full meeting registration fee.
15. Prizes are awarded for the best presentations by trainees at the meetings under the following categories: Research/Audit (Stephen Whittaker prize); Case Presentation (Owen Wade prize); Poster Prize. Prize winners are eligible to apply to the Association for a travel bursary to support presentation of the work at national or international meetings. The prize winners will receive a certificate, and their names will be published on the Prize winner’s board within the Association’s web site.
16. Visitors, who must be introduced by a member, may attend and take part in the meetings.
17. There shall be an annual business meeting, restricted to elected members, usually held in association with the autumn general meeting.
18. An extraordinary business meeting can be held, if called by the Executive Committee.
19. An annual subscription will be paid by ordinary members and Associate members:, the amount of the annual subscription shall be determined by the Treasurer after approval by the ordinary members at a business meeting.
20. In the event that the Association is wound up but assets remain. Then those assets should be used for one or more registered medical Charities agreed on by the WMPA trustees.
21. The rules of the Association shall only be altered by a two-thirds majority vote of those present at a general meeting. Notice of any proposed change must be in the hands of elected members at least seven days before the meeting.