Our Next Meeting

Now Accepting Applications
This regional meeting is a great opportunity to share, learn and present your work, therefore we are delighted to invite you to submit your research abstracts/case reports/quality improvement reports (QIPs) on any topic surrounding Adult General Internal Medicine. The deadline for submissions is Saturday 19 April with confirmation if submissions are successful by Saturday 26 April.
Abstracts should include a title, authors (presenter underlined), name of the institution worked at when the work was done, postal address and e-mail contact. They should be in a Word format and a font size of 12 is preferred.
For those who aren’t selected for presentation, you will have your chance to showcase a poster presentation with the topic Adult General Internal Medicine. Prizes will be awarded for best presentations and posters. Full poster specifications to be confirmed shortly.
A career session for all from medical students to Senior Consultants will be open for all at the end of the meeting. Please contact us on wmpa@millbrookconferences.co.uk with your profile and we will match you with the appropriate coach to guide and advise you to be the best physician you can be.
Join Our Committee
We would like to invite expression of interest from West Midland Physician Association members keen to have a role in development of the association. We are actively seeking three committee members along with the upcoming treasurers role.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you as a Physician to be part of a passionate team to raise the profile of medicine, teaching, education and research within the West Midlands. This position will also enable connection, networking and friendship within the Medical Fraternity. The WMPA are committed to listening to our members as well as developing our future physicians. Find out more here.