Now Accepting Applications for WMPA Spring Meeting: Health Inequalities
This regional meeting is a great opportunity to share, learn and present your work, therefore we are delighted to invite you to submit your research abstracts/case reports/quality improvement reports (QIPs) on any topic surrounding Adult General Internal Medicine. The deadline for submissions is Saturday 19 April with confirmation if submissions are successful by Saturday 26 April.
Abstracts should include a title, authors (presenter underlined), name of the institution worked at when the work was done, postal address and e-mail contact. They should be in a Word format and a font size of 12 is preferred.
For those who aren’t selected for presentation, you will have your chance to showcase a poster presentation with the topic Adult General Internal Medicine. Prizes will be awarded for best presentations and posters. Full poster specifications to be confirmed shortly.
Submission Criteria:
- Any figure/table provided must be submitted in monochrome.
- Keep any figure/table submitted as simple as possible for optimal reproduction. Figures will be sized to fit a single column so complex images with lots of detail are discouraged.
- Format
- Abstract length must not exceed 3,000 characters (including spaces) .This includes the title and figure/table.
- The title is limited to 20 words and must clearly indicate the content of the abstract.
- Include a title, authors (presenter underlined), name of the institution worked at when the work was done, postal address and e-mail contact. They should be in a Word format and a font size of 12.
Structure for research and QIP:
Introduction: 1-2 sentences that clearly indicate the scientific question of the study and its clinical (or other) importance.
Methods: sufficient information to be able to understand the experimental design, the analytical techniques and the statistics used in the study.
Results: objective data answering the scientific question(s).
Conclusions: only conclusions directly supported by the results, along with implications for clinical practice, avoiding speculation and over-generalisation.
Figures and Tables
- Only one figure or table may be submitted.
- Text in these is included in the abstract character limit and may therefore reduce the number of characters considerably.
- The figure legend / table title should appear in the abstract text rather than as part of the figure or table.
- The figure/table should be cited in the abstract as Figure 1 / Table 1 (whichever is relevant)
- Images and graphics must adhere to the following criteria:
Width: min 83mm
File size: min 35 KB / max 1000 KB
DPI: min 300
Spelling and Grammar
- Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it will be published exactly as submitted.
- Abbreviations should be defined on first use.
We advise candidates submitting abstracts to apply for study leave now.
Abstract Samples:
Please click on the links below for examples of abstract submissions.